Case Study: Wellcome Collection 
Play to Win or Play to Keep on Playing

Overview: Working to help participants understand what play means to them and how they play

+ Workshop Design
+ Workshop Facilitation
+ Lorem Ipsum

This series of workshops invited participants to explore the relationship between power and play, and to examine how and why they play towards deepening reflexivity.

Case Study: Falmouth University
Flux Olympiad

Overview: Using play to enhance teamwork and develop a creative process and mindset.

In collaboration with Falmouth University, Department of Graphic Design
+ Workshop Design
+ Workshop Facilitation 

Working colaboratively with academics at Falmouth, Play-Group devised a 3-day workshop using embodied practices of play including competitive, non-competitive, make-believe, dark, and risky play. Through the process, creative art and design students developed new methods and approaches for  creative practice, collaboration, and enhanced idea generation.

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